Home / Bibliography



A crisis scenario

Casola C. (2018) Counterterrorism in Africa: Obama and the fight against terrorism in the Sahara-Sahel. Africas and Orientals. Year XX, number 1-2 Open document

OECD (2017) The Sahel and West Africa Club. Working together for regional integration 2017-18. OECD, Paris Open document

UNDESA (2019) World population prospects 2019: Highlights. United Nations, New York (US) Open document

Kwasi S., Cilliers J., Donnenfeld Z., Welborn L. and Maïga I. (2019) Prospects for the G5 Sahel countries to 2040. West Africa Report 25. Institute for Security Studies Open document

UNDESA (2017) World population prospects: The 2017 revision. Key Findings and Advance Tables. United Nations, New York (US) Open document

Agroecology Answers

IPES (2020) COVID-19 and the crisis in food systems: Symptoms, causes, and potential solutions. International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems Open document.

Pretty, J. N. (2016) Sustainable Intensification: Efficiency, Substitution and Redesign Open document.

HLPE (2019) Agroecological and other innovative approaches for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition. A report by the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome Open document

IPES-Food, (2020). The added value(s) of agroecology: Unlocking the potential for transition in West Africa Open document

Padel S, Rubinstein O, Woolford A, Egan J, Leake A, Levidow L, Pearce B, Lampkin N (2017) Transitions to Agroecological Systems: Farmers’ Experience. A Report for the Landuse Policy Group. Organic Research Centre and Game &Wildlife Conservation Trust. Newbury and Fordingbridge Open document

Strategic themes and lines of action

CEDAW (2016) General recommendation No. 34 on the rights of rural women. United Nations, New York (US) Open document

Félix, G., Diedhiou, I., Le Garff, M., Timmermann, C., Clermont-Dauphin, C., Cournac, L., Groot, J. and Tittonell, P., (2018). Use and management of biodiversity by smallholder farmers in semi-arid West Africa. Global Food Security, 18, pp.76-85 Open document

Lahmar, R., Bationo, B., Dan Lamso, N., Guéro, Y. and Tittonell, P., (2012). Tailoring conservation agriculture technologies to West African semi-arid zones: Building on traditional local practices for soil restoration. Field Crops Research, 132, pp.158-167 Open document

Levard, L. and Mathieu, B. (2018). Agroécologie : capitalisation d expériences en Afrique de l’Ouest. Facteurs favorables et limitants au développement de pratiques agroécologiques évaluation des effets socio-économiques et agro-environnementaux. Edit. Gret, AVSF Open Document

Observatoire Régional Des Exploitations Familiales OEF/ROPPA (2017) Synthèse et Conclusions Du Premier Rapport De l’OEF/Roppa. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Open document

ROPPA (2019). Stratégie Régionale D’insertion / Installation Des Jeunes Dans Le Secteur Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Et Halieutique 2019-2023″ Open Document

Weltzien, E., Rattunde, H. F. W., Van Mourik, T. A., & Ajeigbe, H. A. (2018) Sorghum cultivation and improvement in West and Central Africa. From: Rooney, W. (ed.), Achieving sustainable cultivation of sorghum Volume 2: Sorghum utilization around the world, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK Open document

CILSS, FAO, FEWSNET, WFP (2010) Commerce Transfrontalier et Sécurité Alimentaire en Afrique de l’Ouest Cas du Bassin Ouest : Gambie, Guinée-Bissau, Guinée, Mali, Mauritanie, Sénégal Open document

Félix, G., Scholberg, J., Clermont-Dauphin, C., Cournac, L. and Tittonell, P., (2018). Enhancing agroecosystem productivity with woody perennials in semi-arid West Africa. A meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38(6) Open document

Kay S. (s.d.) Connecting Smallholders to Markets, an Analytical Guide. International CSM Open document

Padulosi, S., Thompson, J., Rudebjer, P. (2013). Fighting poverty, hunger and malnutrition with neglected and underutilized species (NUS): needs, challenges and the way forward. Bioversity International, Rome Open document

Sawadogo K., Sartor G., Lenarduzzi W. (s.d.) Quel accompagnement des producteurs pour réussir la transition agro écologique? De la pratique à un démarche Open document

World Health Organization and Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. (2015) Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health, a State of Knowledge Review. World Health Organization, Genève and Montréal Open document.

Tapsoba, P., Aoudji, A., Kabore, M., Kestemont, M., Legay, C. and Achigan-Dako, E., (2020). Sociotechnical Context and Agroecological Transition for Smallholder Farms in Benin and Burkina Faso. Agronomy, 10(9), p.1447 Open document

Articles about Azione Terrae

Article by Giorgio Menchini, President of COSPE, “Starting Over from the Land with Women and Youth, TerrAE Action’s Urgent Call for Agroecological Transition in West Africa,” published in Mediterraneo Dossier 65, pg. 67-69 Read

Article on the page of AICS (Italian Agency for Development Cooperation) Read

Article on the page of Mani Tese Read

Article on TerraNuova page Read

Article on SIR News Agency Read

Article on LVIA’s page Read

Article on ACRA’s page Read

Article on ChiesadiMilano Read

Article on Greenreport.com Read

Article on DIRE Read

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