Online the results of the Mapping of Good Agroecological Transition Practices

28 proposals arrived. awarded 3 Italian and 3 foreign practices.

In the context of the CHAlleNGE project, the Agroecological Transition Best Practices Mapping activity was launched. The objectives and methods of participation were explained at a meeting held on April 9, 2024.

The invitation to participate was addressed to all stakeholders from the agroecological field, in Italy and abroad: private companies, cooperatives, civil society organizations, public bodies of different sizes and characteristics, research centers and universities.

The intent was to stimulate collaborative dialogue and the building of a network of virtuous practices, guiding more sustainable agricultural models.

The selection was entrusted to a group of experts composed of Giorgio Menchini, spokesperson for Azione TerrAE, Caterina Batello, Vice-President of the Italian Association of Agroecology (AIDA), Cristiana Peano, Ordinary Lecturer at the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences at the University of Turin and President of CISAO, Carlotta Ebbreo, collaborator of the NGO DEAFAL, Riccardo Bocci, agronomist and technical director and former coordinator of the Rural Seeds Network.

The assessment covered 6 nonspecific areas:
1.Systemic scope: integration of ecological and social principles
2.Transformative scope: transition to equitable, sustainable and resilient models
3.Participatory scope: participation of local actors in all phases of planning and
implementation (special reference to peasant and family enterprises, women and youth)
4.Co-creation and knowledge exchange: in the analysis of agri-food systems and
identification of responses
5.Sustainability: sustainability of the processes undertaken from environmental, economic, social, and political perspectives.
6.Replicability: with emphasis on the possibility of horizontal proliferation of

10 of the 28 files received are carried out in Italy-Lombardy, Veneto, Trentino, Emilia Romagna, Campania, Sardinia, Basilicata-and 18 abroad, involving 15 countries-Chad, Morocco, Kenya, Peru, eSwatini, Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Benin, Guinea Bissau, Niger.

Best practices.
For Italy:

For Overseas:

Instead, at this link you can check out all the best practices of Mapping 2024:

GO to Good Practice Mapping.
PDF – EN – Final Selection Report
PDF – EN – Selection Final Report
PDF – FR – Rapport final de sélection

N.B. (In order to avoid possible conflicts of interest, the Committee has determined that CoV member persons shall refrain from evaluating proposals from organizations and institutions to which they belong or which are related to them, or involved in projects in which they have played or are playing a role in a different capacity).

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Mani Tese

Mani Tese

Siamo un’Organizzazione Non Governativa che da oltre 50 anni si batte per la giustizia sociale, economica e ambientale.

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